Tuesday, July 19, 2011

it's hot

it's hot.
right now that phrase is overused, but it's the truth, so i think that makes it okay to say.
it's 10:30 at night and the thermostat on my window unit says its 78 degrees in my apartment (which means that it has managed to cool the apartment off by a whole degree in the past 3 hours). normally i would think that's ridiculous, but today, i'll believe it.

i've been sitting in my living room alternating between reading and watching Ancient Aliens (I have to switch off because that show gives me the heebeegeebee's) and the sweat is just pooling over my body. i'm pretty sure that i don't normally break a sweat while reading . . . . it miiight have happened a time or two . . . let's just say i usually don't make a habit of it.

besides alternating between ancient aliens and reading, i've also been alternating my books between Zissner's On Writing Well and Francine Prose Reading Like A Writer. both books I've read multiple exerpts of (during entirely too many years of schooling) and (because I just can't seem to let school go just yet) i have decided to read in their entirety in hopes that they give me the structure, inspiration, and guidance that I'm really craving right now in regards to my own writing.

so, we'll see how this goes.

Monday, May 2, 2011

study time!

it's study time. and while this might not be the most practical way to study, for this exam it's necessary. it should be study time for my very last ever undergraduate college exam, buuuuuuttt it's not. instead it is study time for my second to last (or third or fourth to last) undergraduate college exam, because quite unfortunatly i am 3 credit hours short to really graduate, so instead i will be walking and then taking another class. whoo?!?
in any case, here goes the studying.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

spring in december

it's an unseasonably warm, nearly 70 degree day, here in missouri. no winter coats or scarves or multiple pairs of socks. just jackets and light weight shirts. i have the windows open in the apartment, the air smells like spring, a terrible taunt considering winter has only just begun here, we have 2 or 3 months of bitter cold awaiting after this leaves tomorrow afternoon.
i'm hoping that this day is a little sign of hope for the coming new year, a little something to remember come late january when i'm trippled layered up on my socks and cuddeled up under a heated blanket and yet, still freezing.
a lovely night sipping some pinot grigio, painting my nails, and watching "Office Space" (so true that it's ALMOST not funny, but just almost).
i will use this thing more in the new year.
i promise.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

a case of the mondays

i'm having a case of the monday's. today. on a tuesday, and well . . . most days lately. i've been feeling sluggish, uninspired, and unmotivated. all of them really just feeding each other. so, while i'm procrastinating working on this paper that's due thursday i've been searching and trying to ponder up things that inspire me.

it's been a long time since i've seen this movie, but sometime saturday evening in the midst of mani's, pedi's, and hair coloring, the munsters went off air leaving behind a sea of paid programming. i was delighted at how much i still enjoy this movie, and enjoy it more all the time.

i recently discovered the mynabirds who have made one of my new favorite albums.

cute baby animals.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

september days

I’ve been feeling quite run down lately, which is definitely not how I want to be feeling at all. I’m not really sure what to do about it (bubble baths, long vacation, relaxing evening at home reading?) but it doesn’t matter much right now because I have a long week ahead of me (schooling and working and home working and hosting . . . a baby shower, that is). I thought I would get all rested and relaxed up over the long labor day weekend, but instead I came down with some unknown illness on Friday night and still am not feeling quite myself today.

I’ve also been experiencing quite the string of bad luck lately, during which my computer met with the great laptop heaven in the sky. Luckily my mom was kind enough to lend me her laptop while I figure out exactly what I am going to do about a new computer. I think I might be cursed when it comes to computers, everyone that I have ever had has met with an unfortunate, terrible, and sudden end. This time was no exception, though I finally wised up and purchased an external hard-drive earlier in the summer so no stories and pictures or tunes were lost (or at least I hope they weren’t. I’ve been skeptical of the hard-drive working properly or at all. I don’t really understand it. I’m not a technological type.)

Hopefully next week I’ll be able to find some relaxing time and (fingers crossed) I’ll be feeling more like myself. As for tonight, I have a lovely evening of class ahead of me, followed by a trip to the grocery store, and an attempt to catch up on some homework.


Thursday, August 26, 2010


fall is quickly approaching. in less than a week it will be september, school's already back in session, and i've had the windows open in my apartment everyday this week. even though the warm temperatures will be back this weekend, i know it'll all be okay because in a few weeks it will be time for boots and long sleeves and cardi's. it's been wonderful to go walk around downtown over lunch and not come back to work as a big, sweaty mess. i'm looking forward to being outdoors again and to being a comfortable temperature in my apartment, this window unit does not always do the trick.

summer is over and i don't feel as if i accomplished all of what i'd hoped to. after moving in may(and subsequently planning in vain to write weekly on this blog) i let my goals slip from grasp. after a series of work related stresses, some financial issues i found myself plagued with a big bout of unmotivation. to this day there is still a pile of items stacked in the corner of my new bedroom, just waiting to find a home. the top of my desk has become a catchall for all things that cross it's path. the laptop has found a new home atop a fold out tv tray since it can't hold a charge and can't stay plugged into the charger without being ever so particularly sitting in just the right way. i bought a television before the big move and while i hadn't watched television with any seriousness (or even casually) for a couple of years, i've found myself sitting on this couch and watching away (only good things though, promise. lot's and lots of PBS.)i found myself busy on every single day in june; working odd hours, going to classes, doctors appointments, taking tests, and being tortured by dentists. so i over-relaxed in july,(and went to Omaha) because i felt it was well deserved. and then august just slipped by.

but school has started again, summer break officially over, structure added back into my life. and i am going to keep up with this blog more, for nothing more than the fact that it is just good habit to write something down as often as possible. practice makes perfect. i'm going to continue growing my hair out to its' once lusciously, long glory (and i'm well on the way, haven't cut it since march.) i'm going to work on getting healthy again after my most recent doctor's visit let me in on the secret that i've somehow managed to gain 15 pounds since this time last year. i've also decided to revive my once prospective hobby of knitting. i'm going to keep working on the goal i once had of becoming the best me that i can be, because i can't really think of anything else more integral in my life.

see ya soon,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


i've been to the dentist today. it was a day for a filling, hopefully that last one for a long while. i've had an embarassing amount of cavaties this year, mostly due to lack of seeing a dentist for nearly 5 years. never have i even been frightened of the dentist until this year, until getting 4 cavaties filled in a row on the same day, without the proper amount of anastesia. ouch. but that didn't happen today. today was one measly one, and they gave me the appropriate amount of pain killers. always a plus. except it's hurting now, throbbing actually. ugh. but upon leaving today they didn't try and schedule anymore follow ups, which means that this girl doesn't have to endure anymore drilling in her poor teeth this year. yea!

the apartment is coming along pretty well now. with only a few boxes lying around i can almost call myself unpacked, but not quite there yet. i'm really excited to get everything out and arranged so i can start the decorating process. i want this place to look like me, for everyone to get it and know it's my place as soon as their in the door. plus, i have some great ideas and i can't wait to try them out.

i came home tonight to find that after 4 weeks of horrific matienence nightmares, my landlord has finally begun repairs. yea! my shower (which has been a black, plasticy mess of loose drywall and tape) is almost back to normal. as are the holes in my closet, nearly a thing of the past. a coat of paint and it'll look brand new, plus my clothes will be happy to return from their vacation in my pantry closet. they don't like it there.

i slept too much this past holiday weekend, entirely too much. in fact, i didn't really even do much of anything. so naturally as the work week has commenced and sleep is needed, it's been nowhere to be found. but thankfully this evening i'm feeling a bit sleepy. it'll be nice to go to bed sometime before midnight and get a full nights rest with hopefully few disturbances. i'm still not use to the new place and i wake from time to time in the night. but tonight i'm hoping to get lots and lots of sleep.
